Discovered Ra-226 source in copper scrap metals

Print View Posted on: 12 June 2022

Event Date: 27 February 2022 Event Type: Radiation Source
Event Location: Iran, Islamic Republic of, West border INES Rating: 0 (Final)

On 27th February 2022, the National Radiation Protection Department (NRPD) of Iran Nuclear Regulatory Authority (INRA) received an alarm from a Radiation Portal Monitoring System (RPMS) installed in west border of the country for monitoring trucks carrying imported goods. Reported count rate from the truck loaded with copper scrap metals was 4 times of the background. After investigation and monitoring of the scrap metals, the tip part of a lightning rod with ten screwed Ra-226 sources was found. The tip part was transported to Iran nuclear waste management company for more analysis and be wasted.

Estimated total activity of Ra-226 is 48 MBq (4.8 E-05 TBq). Considering D value and A/D are 4 E-02 and 1.2 E-03 respectively, it is Category 5 source.

Maximum effective dose to radiation workers was about 61 µSv and doses to members of the public were negligible.

INES Rating: 0 - Below scale (Final) as per 05 May 2022
Release beyond authorized limits? No
Overexposure of a member of the public? No
Overexposure of a worker? No

Contamination spread within the facility? No
Damage to radiological barriers (incl. fuel damage) within the facility? No

Degradation of Defence In-Depth No

Person injured physically or casualty? No
Is there a continuing problem? No

National Radiation Protection Department
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